Conversations for Fear-less Leaders

EP-12 Building High Performing TEAMS

Rhonda and Dale

“High-performing, successful organizations build cultures of introspection and trust and never lose sight of their purpose.” – Colin Powell

This week on Conversations For FearLESS Leaders we’re tackling one of those evergreen issues that has come even more sharply into focus since the pandemic began - Building High-Performance Teams. With many organizations compelled to make the shift to remote work, it has become imperative for leaders to understand how to mobilize, motivate and incentivize their teams to continued excellence in the face of unexpected – and in some instances, unprecedented - challenges.

In this episode we’re unpacking a number of Big Ideas around team building, including:

  •  what makes a team
  •  the difference between high performance, high impact and high value 
  •  co-creation
  •  stakeholders working collectively
  •  alignment
  •  trust and psychological safety 

Above all, the first building-block of a high-performance team is the FearLESS Leader’s sense of purpose and intentionality. They must maintain clarity on the team’s overarching goals and objectives and understand their responsibility to be the kind of leader the team needs in order to succeed.  

Listen now at - and subscribe to our notifications to be the first to hear next week’s episode, where we’ll take a more in-depth look at trust and psychological safety!

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