Conversations for Fear-less Leaders

EP-18-Fearless Questioning

Rhonda and Dale

It can be so frustrating! You think you’ve communicated clearly and completely. Then you realize that what you said is not what was understood. You find yourself having to do  more telling and more explaining. Errors are made, deadlines are missed, and people become frustrated with each other.

“I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I’m not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.” Robert J. McCloskey, a Spokesperson for the Pentagon.

In this podcast, Rhonda and Dale discuss the ways in which the message can get distorted. They explore the power of questions and position them as potentially powerful, multi-purpose conversational tools. Used artfully and with precision, questions become probes that elicit understanding; levers that shift thinking; signals that prompt reflection; magnifiers that evoke new insights and deductions; and catalysts that enhance clarity and  engagement.

Listen, as they outline a questioning process FearLess Leaders can use to improve their influence and impact as communicators. 

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