Conversations for Fear-less Leaders

Climbing Up the Ladder, Making wrong assumptions!

Rhonda and Dale

How Secure Is Your Ladder?


How often do your assumptions mislead you? There was more to the situation than you noticed…if only you had realized!...How much difficulty, time, relationship damage could have been avoided if you hadn’t jumped to conclusions?

 In today’s podcast, Rhonda and Dale take you up and down the rungs of the Ladder of Inference. They’ll give you an insight into how it works so you’ll better understand why you think the way you do – and how that thinking can derail or enrich your conversations. Listen as they explain how to stay on the lower rungs to see more clearly, think more deeply and understand more accurately…..before you act.

 The Ladder of Inference was first developed by Chris Argyris (1982) and included in The Fifth Discipline Fieldbook by Peter Senge (1994 and 2014). Join the coaches as they explore how 

FearLESS Leaders can use this essential tool to reduce conflict, increase trust and build stronger relationships. 

 Listen for the mastery challenge at the end of the podcast. Stay in touch as you experiment. You can find us at